By Sylvie Labelle

Welcome to college B, this is going to be a blast! I’m sure you are all super excited to go to your first society events. However, attending this first event of the year can be super daunting. A room full of people you don’t know, everyone seems older than you, cooler than you, smarter than you and the list of ‘than yous’ seems to just keep going. Deciding what to wear can be a real source of overthinking but never fear – I am here to help! This article is going to give you a guide on what  to wear to your first ever society event.

1 A suit

Everyone knows that uni societies are super serious, especially the likes of the circus and philosophy societies. That’s why a full three piece suit, or even better a tuxedo, is the perfect way to dress the part and make a statement to your fellow society members. Everyone is going to remember you wearing that suit, not only to the event but to the drinks that follow! +10 points if you wear a bowtie (what a conversation starter!)

2 Your debs dress

Fast fashion is plaguing the world of style. In retaliation against our ‘wear once’ culture, rebel and give your debs dress a second life! Who doesn’t like awkwardly showing pictures of themselves at their debs while explaining all their secondary school and ex-boyfriend to a new college friend who couldn’t care less! Bonus points if you’re a commuter and you wear the dress all day in preparation for the event!

3 Your Halloween costume

Everyone knows that all cool people love Halloween! In an effort to only attract the normal, cool people at your first society event, pretend Halloween has come early and wear your scariest fit! I got inspiration from what Cady wore to Arron’s Halloween party in the film Mean Girls! Something like this will bring out your inner grool, and be a great conversation starter, setting the appropriate tone for the upcoming academic year; terrifying!

In all seriousness, just be yourself. Wear a pair of jeans and a nice top that you would still be comfortable wearing if you ended up at The George. This is uni, no one will judge what you wear. People just care about who you are on the inside so do not over think it, you’re going to do great bestie.

