By Laura Molloy

Here are a few ideas of what to do on your reading week! ( We’re not sure why it’s called reading week either because there certainly won’t be any reading getting done) 

1. Not your assignments anyway. No one likes a goody two shoes. We promise the world won’t end if something is turned in late. Although, don’t contact us if it does. Oxygen is not responsible for your degree. 

    2. Travel. Oh that’s right you’re in college and broke. Then sit out in your back garden and post a few stories. No one will ever know. Make sure whoever you’re texting thinks you’re having a blast! Whether it’s in Clontarf or the Canaries, it’s the vibes that matters!

    3. Go out on the piss! I mean let’s be honest what else would you be doing? Put on your best jeans and a top so short it makes your mother want to send you to confession. Dance, drink, and most importantly, pull! 

