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Who says romance is dead? Here are the most shameful walk of shame confessions from Reddit and Whisper.
1. Not Eggceptional
“She made me the worst eggs I have ever eaten, ruined my whole morning.” via Reddit
2. Your ex is missing out
“I woke up Nov 1 (the morning after a massive Halloween party) at an acquaintance’s house in my costume still, with my monster makeup smeared, and missing my wallet. I got up and opened the front door and there were people sleeping on the porch too- i did have my phone so i texted my friend who worked brunch nearby “need food, no wallet, woke up at X’s house…pls help” and she said to come over for a free brunch. I walked there with my mummy wraps dragging and then when i got there they sat me at a small table to eat alone. Then they sat my recent ex gf and her new bf right across from me….I walked home after that.” – via whisper
3. Angry roommate
“I woke up to his CRAZY female roommate hoovering the hallway outside of his room for over an hour, banging the hoover into his door over and over again. I guess she was trying to wake us up so i would leave, but we ended up just waking up and doing the deed while she was vacuuming.” – via reddit
4. Keep it professional
“I woke up to do the walk of shame and realised it’s going to be an extra long walk. We work together.” – via whisper
5. Fresh as a daisy
“One shoe. Lost my tights. Lost my bra. A guy’s shirt on (I don’t know who’s) and still drunk until 4pm the next day” – via whisper
6. WTF
“Accidentally woke up in a graveyard and have to go to work” – via whisper
7. Nasty
“Her roommate got there so she kicked me out, I walked all the way back home in the cold at 3am pulling pubic hairs out of my teeth” – via whisper.
By Aoife Crilly