The top 5 most adorable Irish cats on the internet

Ireland has a proud standing as the cutest cat capital of the world. In that honour, we have a look at some of the most adorable Irish cats that the internet has to offer.

1. Meet Vader, there’s just oodles of cuteness about him šŸ™‚


2. Meet Sir Ian, how cute would it be to have a wizard cat!!!!!! I just can’t even………..

3. Meet Taxidermy Experiment, she stays still all the time. šŸ˜® I think a cute bomb just went

off!!Ā ugly-cat-34. Meet Morning Joe, how many of us feel like this in the morning!!?? (^..^)


5. Meet Mervin, he swears he is a cat!!! You won’t believe what happens next…CatsTOP

