By Laura Molloy

Summer is well underway meaning more and more travel plans are being made. However, if you are a student travelling, finances can create a few barriers (unless your parent is the cabinet then you can feck off. This article is not for you). Here are x tips to help when travelling on a budget.

  1. Book flights in advance. Booking flights close to the trip can be risky as they are often more expensive particularly if you’re flying to a popular destination.
  2. Go away during off peak season. Flying at popular times such as July/August and Chritsmas are always more expensive. Take advantage of college breaks and the fact lectures don’t matter and save some money.
  3. Stay in cheaper accommodation. Hotels are lovely but until someone in the group has reached influencer stardom, they’re not for you. Look into hostels in the area you’re visiting or even accommodation that can be rented out. These will often be cheaper than hotels.
  4. Take advantage of free attractions/tours. Lots of areas have free attractions which are perfect for those travelling on a budget.
  5. Apply for an ISIC card. The ISIC Card is an internationally recognised form of ID that can be used from the age of 16. It can save you in emergencies when you’ve lost your passport, and gives you access to a great variety of discounts. If there was ever a time to milk the fact that you’re a student, it’s when you’re on holidays.

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