It’s just one text.

A text that can change everything forever.

The RSA has created a campaign that highlights the consequences of using a mobile phone while driving. It’s the biggest cause of driver distraction. 

The campaign is based on research that showed distracted driving could be a factor in as many 20-30% of all collisions in this country. This means that driver distraction could be a contributory factor in over 1,400 fatal and injury collisions annually. 

Key facts:

The driver attitude and behaviour survey 2021 showed; 

  • 19% use their mobile phone at least sometimes while driving to read messages/emails
  • 13% use their mobile phone at least sometimes while driving to write messages/emails
  • 23% use their mobile phone at least sometimes while driving to check phone notifications
  • 12% use their mobile phone at least sometimes while driving to check social media
  • 9% use their mobile phone at least sometimes while driving to respond to social media posts
  • 7% use their mobile phone at least sometimes while driving to take photos/videos to share on social media

No text, email or notifcation is that urgent. Always wait until you are no longer driving to use your phone.

For more information on the campaign click here.

This year the RSA are sponsoring the Joe Drennan RSA Award, Journalism Relating To Road Safety. For submission guidelines click here.

This is a great opportunity for students to learn about road safety and to have their work published.

Submissions are now open and close 12th March 2025.

