By Sarah Murnane
Recently, a particular adult performer has made a big name for herself. Bonnie Blue is a twenty-something adult performer from Nottingham. According to herself, she previously worked in recruitment but was dissatisfied with complying to regular working hours. When looking for an alternative she started webcam modelling and then moved on to the platform OnlyFans.
She has particularly become popular across the internet for advertising that she wanted to sleep with over one thousand men in one day, which she alleges was achieved. Bonnie Blue also introduced another controversial element from her sex work, that she specifically wants to make content with eighteen or nineteen year old boys, repeatedly referring to them as “barely legal”. She was featured on This Morning, a UK morning talk show, where she repeatedly insisted that her target demographic are young boys. Alongside this, she has recently made a video where she claimed to have slept with 1097 men in one day. This was an open invitation she posted on the Internet inviting any men of legal age to sleep with her at a particular location.
Herein lies the primary debate across the internet, should Bonnie Blue be saying and doing these things and then putting it on the internet for everyone to see? Well, it is complicated. Ultimately, Bonnie Blue can do whatever she likes as long as it is not illegal. To this point everyone she has slept with appears to be of the age of consent in each country she has visited. She alleges that ID’s are checked on the door by her security team to mitigate the problem. When Bonnie Blue was on This Morning the majority of the debate was centred around her “targeting” of young men and that this was creepy.
She replied to these concerns by simply saying that the porn industry is built around these stereotypes. I must speak in her defence here, that she is correct. When you look at the vast majority of online pornography, it centres around girls and performers that look “barely legal”. There is a whole category on PornHub dedicated to eighteen year old girls who have just turned of age to consent to sex. Bonnie Blue is not wrong, this is how the industry functions and she has become successful by appealing to this. It is fair to criticise the industry as a whole, but Bonnie Blue is not doing anything male porn performers and porn studios haven’t.
The overarching element to this that has been briefly alluded to by concerned women, is why is Bonnie Blue doing this to herself? I highly doubt she was physically able to have sex with over one thousand men. It is undoubtable that she did sleep with a significant number of people that day. This for anyone is quite a feat and probably caused her a lot of physical pain and problems. It could be partly for fame and money, which I think is a factor. However, this also strikes me as someone who is trying to prove a point. What that point is we may never know, but ultimately this whole story is just quite sad. That in most articles and debates, no one cares about Bonnie Blue, but about the men or young woman that she may damage through her actions.