Ryan Tubridy was found in the back seat of a car this morning as it emerged he had been forced there against his will last Friday night.

After the Late Late Show broadcast, in which he was seen giving TD Paul Murphy a rough ride on the management of his peaceful protests against water charges, Tubridy never returned to his Monkstown Manor.

Suspicion was immediately aroused by lurid chanting coming from a megaphone in the RTE carpark, said to be along the lines of “Death to Tubridy!”. Upon closer inspection, Paul Murphy was seen skipping around a car said to be occupied by the Late Late Show host, who was scared to leave it for fear of his safety.

Murphy was said to have been very dissatisfied by his treatment during the interview on Friday night, with Tubridy giving him little opportunity to explain himself and largely siding with the establishment that Murphy is at such panes to oppose.

Tubridy was released from his car after Murphy fled the scene to attend another Water Charges protest, and the Late Late Show host spoke of the terror he felt throughout the incident.

“The only thing that could have made that experience any worse is if I was stuck that shit-hole Jobstown. That Burton must have a real sack on her to survive that”

Paul Murphy is now set to rail further against the governement with what he calls the ‘final solution’. Rumours have been circulating that this will involve an organised egging of senior political figures and a coalition with whoever is the most popular with the voters.

