We are thrilled to have the RSA sponsoring such an important category for us once again. In the years we’ve been running this specialist award in the Smedias students have always responded positively to us bringing attention to such an important issue as road safety.

Writers and journalists play a crucial role in spreading road safety news and The RSA wants to recognise the great work that students have done to help make Irish roads a safe place for all.

The RSA aims to reduce the number and severity of road collisions. They aim to do this in four distinct ways; education, enforcement, engineering, and evaluation. They promote road safety awareness through ad campaigns and awards like the Journalism Relating to Road Safety Award.

Irish journalist Sean Defoe picked up this award in 2015 for a radio documentary that looked at learning to drive and the safety of cyclists in Dublin City. Defoe has gone on to work for national radio stations such as Today FM and Newstalk since winning this award.

We thank The RSA for partnering with us once again to promote road safety in student journalism.

Submission Guidelines:

Awarded to any form of media, be it written, published or broadcast on television, radio, internet or otherwise; highlighting the issue of Road Safety in Ireland.

In the case of written submissions, you need only submit one link to one article published since February 2024. We would prefer you to include a link to your article but if you are unable, please upload a pdf of your article.

Submissions open 14th February 2025 and close 12th March 2025.

