By Sarah Murnane

It is finally everyone’s favourite time of the year, the PornHub 2024 statistics have been released! In these dark, depressing winter months, nothing brings the internet more joy than psychoanalysing another year of sexual perversion. Not only will this article review the previous year but I will also make a prediction on what will rise through the charts next year. No pun intended. 

Starting at the beginning, PornHub group their most searched terms into what they call “trends”. It is difficult to find out information about how exactly PornHub get it’s statistics and also what algorithms it uses. What we do know is that unless you take specific precautions to stop PornHub tracking you, it will go as far as it possibly can. Again, no pun intended. According to the privacy policy, it tracks users locations, time and duration of visits and searched terms. PornHub also tracks how long you watch a video for and what point you pause, skip or rewind at. I wonder who could possibly want that information?

The top searched trend this year was “demure”, which includes specific search terms like “mindful pleasure”, “mindful sex” and “modest”. Searches for these terms all increased over 70% throughout the year. What puts this into further perspective is the second most searched term which was “wife, “traditional wife” and “Mormon sex”. The over whelming opinion across the internet is that this trend is due to the show The Secret Lives of Mormon Wives becoming so popular in 2024. I broadly agree with this, but there have been plenty of television trends throughout the years and few have made a drastic impact on the PornHub end of year statistics. There is something more sinister at play. This highlights a trend towards a kind of sexuality that we do not often see in Porn: we want it, but we can’t have it. Porn is a genre more saturated than the seats of a movie theatre after a Timothée Chalamet movie. Yet it still finds more fantasies to tap into and exploit to the masses, it is truly beautiful.

It would be impossible to analyse all of the PornHub statistics, so for the purposes of the rest of the article I will focus on just Ireland. According to their site, the average person spends 9 minutes and 38 seconds on the site, which is 31 seconds less than their worldwide average. That Catholic guilt still holds strong it seems. The top three categories were “milf”, “Irish” and “lesbian”, so at least our patriotism runs deep enough to extend to our private sexual lives. The only other notable statistic from the report is the continuation of a steady rise in the number of female visitors to the site overall. In 2015 only 24% of the site visitors were women, and in nine years that has risen to 38%. It is not drastic, but still significant. The increase of women using the site is bound to begin to slowly but surely shift the content on the site towards a more balanced perspective. 

In terms of what next year has in store for the world of Porn I have two theories. Firstly, I predict that the terms that have been on the rise for the past two years will fall away, specifically terms like “milf” will start to decline. Secondly, based on the newfound popularity of “traditional Mormon wife” content, I predict a decline in the level of hardcore videos being produced in favour of more amateur and homemade content. Who am I to say though? As always the PornHub statistics are an interesting read, and they solidify my distrust of the general population. Here’s to another year!

Make sure to share your PornHub wrapped to your Insta stories. Spotify Wrapped is out!

