The Ultimate List Of Films To Watch This Christmas

Like that weird uncle at a family wedding that just seems a little bit 'off', Christmas has really crept up on us this year. The trees are up, the radios are banging out the Xmas jams all day long and we've even got a bit of snow! All we wait for now is the... Spotlight – Fruitz

In a brand new series of articles, interviews Ireland’s best upcoming musicians and chats about their influences, performing in Ireland and their hopes for the future. This week, Daniel O'Connor chats to North Dublin band Fruitz. ------- When s...

Review: The Killing Of A Sacred Deer

Known for masterpieces such as The Lobster and Dogtooth, Yargos Lanthimos returns with a psychological thriller to end the year- The Killing of a Sacred Deer. With extraordinary performances, harrowing imagery and a bizarre series of events, the film is La...

Christmas Exam Guide: 10 ways to become a Pro at Procrastination

It’s that time of year again. Studying for exams. Or, perhaps more accurately, doing anything and everything else other than studying for exams. So, not that anyone really needs any help in this area, but just in case, here are the 10 best ways and reasons for...

10 of the Best Christmas Puns for Your Tinder

No need to ask Santa for help with your dating life (again) this Christmas, have got you covered! For weeks, maybe even months, we have been brainstorming ways to show off how witty and clever you all are by spicing up your Tinder profile this Crimbo...

Everything You Need to Know About Dick Pics

Oh hey there, Johnny. What's the craic? I heard you got dropped from your local GAA team, and you've replaced training with a much more rewarding national pass time - sexting. Well, good on ya! Here at we're all very sex positive. We're all for expre...

The Things You Should Never Say To Retail Workers Over Christmas

We all love Christmas, but you should always spare a thought for those behind the till this year. It's bad enough working retail at the best of times, but every little nuisance or annoyance that comes with the job are are only made worse with the arrival of...