We’re thrilled that Money Advice and Budgeting Service (MABS) sponsors the SMEDIA category, ‘Best Feature Writer’ covering news and current affairs.

MABS is the State’s free, confidential, independent service and operates nationwide. They have a proven track record for guiding people through all kinds of money problems, such as student budgeting, spending and tackling student debt.

Budgets can be tight for students with rent, loans, streaming service and maybe one too many takeaways! MABS can help relieve some of the financial stress by helping create the balanced budget allowing you have the best college experience. If you need help creating your budget MABS are here to help on their online chat or over the phone

Check out the MABS website for the latest news, tips and blogs. Why not like and follow @MABSinfo on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter to stay up to date. You can always send them a DM if you are seeking some student-friendly advice!

MABS is funded and supported by the Citizens Information Board.

This year’s awards will take place on June 1st. We will best of to all entrants!

