By Laura Molloy

Freshers season has arrived and the opportunities to meet new people are endless! From games nights with roommates to society events to course nights out, you are guranteed to be meeting plenty of new people. Some of whom may even be very different to the friends you’ve had before. But if you’re really lucky you might even stumble upon the occasional attractive person too.

At the beginning of college, hookup culture and dating can seem more prominment than ever. It’s an exciting time that comes with a lot of newly found independence. Thinking of exploring your sex life during this time is completely normal. Although, if you are planning on being sexually active it’s important to do a little preperation.

Here are a few tips for safe sex during Freshers Week!

Consent: Whether you are planning to sleep with your partner of five years or the person you met half an hour ago, consent is always necessary! It’s important to ask for consent both before and during sex. Consent cannot be assumed and needs to be asked for directly. For those wanting to brush up on their SPHE, we suggest watching this video again. The age of consent in Ireland is 17. Therefore both people participating in the experience must be both 17 or older. Skipping TY is a thing lads so do check! For more info on consent law in Ireland click here.

Communication: Even if the sexual encounter you’re planning to participate in is considered casual, communication is still key. It’s likely you wont know your sexual partner very well and if this is the first time you’re being intimate together then you probably wont know their prefences either. Letting each other know what feels good (and what doesn’t) can be a great way to improve the experinece. It’s also worth mentioning levels of experience if that is something of concern. One partner may be more experienced than the other, and one may feel less comfortable doing certain things. Communicate on both sides on what you’re comfortable with for a positive experience.

Contraception: Contraception comes in different forms for females. This includes pills, the coil, the vaginal patch or ring and more. If you are thinking of taking any form of contraception it’s important to consult a doctor about the best option for you. Appointments related to contraception are free in Ireland.

“The Free Contraception Scheme has now been expanded to women aged 32-35 years old. Under the scheme, prescription and emergency contraception is now available to women, transgender and non-binary people from the day of their 17th birthday until the day before their 36th birthday.” For more info click here.

Even if you are using a contraception method to prevent pregnancy, it is still advised for males to use condoms to prevent sexually transmitted diseases. If you are to looking to get some for free then head to your freshers tent; you’ll defintely get more than a totebag!

