It’s finally the most wonderful time of the year, and we are living for it. The excitement to celebrate Halloween “normally” for the first time since 2019 seems almost too good to be true, but we’re optimistic it will be both super and spooky. 

This year, why not pledge to add sustainability to the mix? 

Here are some ways you can be eco-conscious this Halloween, while still embracing the festivities!


This one may seem obvious, but many people still opt to buy a new costume every Halloween. In 2019, reported that 2,079 tonnes of plastics in costumes are thrown away each year. This is the equivalent of 2,079 tonnes of plastic, or 83 million Coca Cola bottles.

To avoid adding to this waste for just one night, why not try putting together a costume using only stuff you have in your wardrobe already? 

TikTok has shown how we can do this really well, with many people putting together cool and creative ideas for costumes. 

After all, most characters from films or TV shows will probably wear a certain style of normal clothing. For example, any of the Spice Girls would be easy to put together with items you have at home. 

If you can’t conjure up an outfit using what you have, you could also use old clothes to create the perfect costume. Think along the lines of zombies with shredded clothing.

Why not go traditional by using household material to create a costume too? The simple sheet-over-head-ghost is a perfect example of effortlessly cool costumes. 

Don’t be afraid to get creative!

If you are choosing to buy items for a costume, try checking out charity shops and other second hand shops to see if they have what you’re looking for. Try to opt for items you know you’ll wear again. Ask yourself, “What can I style this with in day-to-day life?”


Not only are homemade decorations adorable, but they can be a fun way to relax after a day of lectures. 

DIY Halloween decorations can be as simple or as complex as you want them to be. 

Although they are usually associated with Christmas, drying out orange slices and making a string garland is a really simple decoration you can make that also looks really nice when hung up. The colour and the actual appearance of the fruit will be very Autumnal, while also being quite rustic – if that’s what you’re into. 

Grab a tissue, scrunch it into a ball and drape another tissue over it to create a small ghost. Draw on a face using a marker and tie some string around its neck to keep it intact. You can even add these cute spooks to the garland. 

When it comes to decorations, if you can think it, you can usually do it. Even if you can’t think it, Pinterest will do that for you. 


Pumpkins are one of the most famous symbols of Halloween, and to be sustainable doesn’t mean you have to do without. 

However, food waste is a huge problem around Halloween, with The Guardian reporting in 2019 that more than 8 million pumpkins, equating to 18,000 tonnes of edible pumpkin flesh, would end up wasted after spooky season. 

This is a huge amount of waste for really only one night of festive fun. It doesn’t have to be like this though. 

To start off, try to buy your pumpkin from a pumpkin patch. Not only will this mean you’re supporting local, but it also reduces the distance the pumpkin has to travel, reducing your carbon footprint. 

As well as that, think of the Instagram photo shoot opportunities at the patch!

When you’ve selected your locally grown pumpkin, carve it in your usual way. However, instead of throwing all the insides out, use them. It’s as simple as that. There are countless recipes that include pumpkin seeds and purée that are both easy and delicious. 

You can even toast the seeds with chilli flakes and salt. It really is as simple as that. 

If you’re not a fan of pumpkin, you can use the insides to feed wildlife in your garden or local area. Birds and squirrels would be delighted with some pumpkin in a feeder or table. Even foxes and badgers will tuck into them if they live near you.

When November comes and you’re finished with your pumpkin, you can also leave it out for animals, or simply put it in your compost bin rather than your black bin.

It’s the simple things that will make a big difference to Halloween waste, and they don’t mean having to sacrifice the spooky festivities either! 

Have a super, spooky, sustainable Halloween!

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