By Sandy Scandal

They say January is the most depressing month of the year. Social media is shoving productivity down your throat, your bank account is empty, and your friends won’t go out to the pub with you. Who even came up with the twisted idea of Dry January? While we could tell you to join the gym, start meal prepping or take up a new hobby; we know you won’t. Instead, here are 3 tips to actually help you get you through the remainder of these treacherous days.

Your Local Pub

Staying inside the house is never good for you! Get out and get some fresh air, while you walk to the pub! Nothing will improve your mood more than seeing all your old classmates who you can’t stand. 

Late Night Bars

Boredom simply means you are not busy enough! Get creative and go on a scavenger hunt. The goal is to find a late night bar that hasn’t closed in Dublin. A great challenge indeed! 

The Clubs

Do these even still exist? Well go out and try to find one! Nothing will beat the blues like dancing (or shifting) your problems away.

If all of the above fails or you’re trying to maintain the pretence of doing Dry January, there is always the reliable day out to the off licence. No need to stress over your outfit. Just simply sip and enjoy. 

At the end of the day, alcohol will always lead the way.

