By Sandy Scandal
As Transport Ireland launched their next stage of confusing the Irish population with new bus routes and names (that still aren’t reliable), one passenger in particular took the removal of the famous 145 to heart. Literally. They are crying in bed heartrboken.
Mr David Graham chatted to about the devestating experience. “Ever since my Ma showed me that Facebook post in the local forum, I’ve been really struggling. It started out as just a low mood. I think while I was still able to ride her I felt somewhat okay, but once she left me I became depressed”.
Mr Graham has started a TikTok to raise awareness about mental health struggles. In one recent video he described how difficult it was to watch his friends move on so quickly. “They’re all talking about these other options. The E1 this, the E2 that. They just can’t compare. No one even says her name anymore. It’s like she never existed.”
To help him cope with the loss, Mr Graham also told us how he recently started going to couple’s therapy. “Ideally both people go but she wasn’t responding to any of my emails. It’s better than nothing. We talk about all the places we travelled to together.”
We wish Mr Graham the best of luck in his recovery.