Listen up guys cause I’ve got news for you, a new study has found that drinking tea could lengthen your life, I think it’s time we stick on the kettle lads eh?

Researchers from the University of Western Australia looked at over 1,000 older women, aged in their 70s and 80s, asking them to complete questionnaire’s about their diet, the study found that those who drank two cups of tea a day were 40% more likely to live longer.

Scientists from the university looked at the link between flavonoid intake and the woman’s risk of death from any cause over the next five years, researchers found that 88% of the women were still alive at the end of the five-year study and thanks to those who love a good cuppa having the greatest reduced risk of death.

Independent dietitian Dr Carrie Ruxton said: “Of course, you don’t need to wait until old age to enjoy the benefits of tea. Studies in younger adults show that regular tea drinking lowers the risk of heart disease because tea flavonoids improve vascular flow.”

Sounds to good to be true right? Pass me the tea please!

