Smedias 2022

How to Avoid Getting Swindled on Dating Apps

A few weeks ago, The Tinder Swindler debuted on Netflix. A tense, fast-paced documentary, the film follows the stories of three women who fell victim to an elaborate scam concocted by Simon Leviev, in which he...

Picking your International Study Placement

Even though travel has become a luxury with the Covid-19 restrictions in place, international study placements are still going ahead! In these times that are more uncertain than usual, students might find it e...

Marvel Phase 4: Initiated!

Spoilers within! Marvel have outdone themselves in Phase 4 by branching out to the medium of television and finally exploring storylines of the original Avengers. Branching into the development of TV series...

Finding Glasses that Suit Your Face

What Glasses Suit You? Over the past fifty years, rates of short-sightedness (or myopia) have doubled across Europe, with the result that an overwhelming fifty percent of young adults across the continent c...

Valentines Day Events in Dublin

Taylor Swift Club Night What better way to get your Valentines bop on than partying with Taylor Swift? Get your tickets for Friday 11th or Saturday 12th in the Grand Social here, and prepare for a night of ...

How to Brighten Up Your Student Accommodation

Plants Potted plants are a great way to incorporate some greenery into your living space. If you're a plant novice and want something easy to take care of, visit a garden centre and ask an employee for help...

Five Must-Listen Podcasts and Audiobooks

And so it has happened - I have finally succumbed to Covid. As I sit here in bed with Lemsip in hand and hot water bottle on feet, I haven't come unprepared. Listening to podcasts and audiobooks is a fantastic...