
Lectures – The Mind Wanders

Lectures can be heavy going at times - and that's when you're not paying attention. Emma Wright tries to break down the average thought process during those dark hours in the hall... Spending your days attendi...

What If…Father Ted Was Released Today

*To be clear - we are not advocating a reboot, or remaking or reimagining or re-whatever of Father Ted. It stands alone as the most significant and well executed example of Irish made comedy that's ever been ma...

Robert Downey Awkward

Robert Downey was being interviewed by Channel 4’s Krishnan Guru-Murthy, that's the bloke who had his butt shut down by Quentin Tarantino, for Avengers: Age of Ultron, and things were a little...tense. R.D.J...

War of Independence – A Concise History

With the centenary of the 1916 reason almost a year to the day away, it might be worth brushing up on our history. That way the erudite and complex conversations over the feast of celebratory pints can have a b...

Get Up and Go

Get Up and Go is the new movie from Brendan Grant and starring Love/Hate's Peter Cooonan, Rian Smith went along to see if it was any use... Every time there’s a new film about unemployed twenty-somethings se...

KBC National Student Media Awards

  Trinity College Dublin are the biggest ever Smedia Award winners with 10 awards for the University UCC’s Cathal O’Gara wins the KBC Outstanding Achievement Award for his 6 years of cont...

Smedias 2015 – Roll of Honour

So, that's it for another year. The Smedias last night celebrated the brightest and finest of Irelands student population and win, lose or eh, just there for the laugh, a great time was had by all involved. ...

Tickets for the Smedias Info

They're the hottest tickets in town... The Smedia Awards 2015 are nearly upon us. If the 16th of April can be classified as 'nearly'. (We're just trying to generate some buzz, not that we need to...It's the ...

Nominations for Smedias 2015

It's almost time. And here are the nominations for the Smedian 2015! Congratulations to everyone who made the cut and see you at there! And just a friendly reminder - Each nominee is entitled to one ticket f...

Oliver Callan to Host Smedias 2015

The Student Media Awards will continue it's tradition of having a stellar MC at the helm this year, with Oliver Callan hosting the Smedias 2015. Throughout the last decade Callan has cemented himself as one ...