Fun Stuff

Mad Artist – 50 Shades of What?

Mad Artist are back with their latest sketch. 50 Shades of Grey may be all the rage for one half of the population at the moment, but the rest of us can't make head nor whip of it... ...

RTE’s Phantom Politician

Ireland's politicians are well known for their elusive, scatter-gun nature. When they're not dipping their hands into pensioners purses, they can be seen filling their water bottles up in under-developed counci...

Jurassic Park wins the Superbowl

An American Football playing team won the Superbowl with an audience reaching almost a quarter of the amount that watched Chelsea vs Manchester City at the weekend. Really, electrifying stuff, indeed. The hy...


Anna Walsh has been trying to infiltrate the male mind in search of some semblance of logic. Judge for yourself to see if she's found some... 1. After you stroke my ego all day, stroke my balls. Also, a s...

The Irish Abroad – If in doubt, find some stout…

Travelling can get lonely for us Paddy's sometimes. Emma Wright is back to give us a few tips on how to keep the holiday homesickness at bay. When travelling abroad, it is always easy to spot your own kind....

Mcgregor Watch out. There’s a new sport in town

We've seen some bizarre trends in Cork over recent years. The outbreak of the hipster pandemic has inhibited the growth of original thought, making everyone flock like vintage wooly sheep to the next lesser kno...

Mad Artist and Present: Wi-Fi

Mad Artist are back again with another sketch exclusively for Tadgh Collins and his cohorts chart the terrifying territory of a world without Wi-Fi. If you've been affected by any of the iss...

All bow before Michael Flatley

Michael Flatley is once again incurring the hatred of the Irish man on the street. The self-styled American/Irish Dancing Hercules has found another way of defecating cash by banging out paintings with his cele...

The Torrent – By Mad Artist

Another fine piece of work from the guys at Mad Artist Media exclusively for today. We'll just let this one speak for itself... Subscribe to Mad Artists YouTube channel here:

If Going on a Date was like an Interview

How do you approach that first date? You certainly can't act like yourself, we all know that. Say the right things, sit up straight and always smile. Just like a job interview. ...