College Living

Things I Wish I Knew Before Starting College

Here I am, a recent graduate of a 3 year degree and there are a lot of things I wish I knew at the beginning of my college experience. Here's a few things that I wish I could have told my first year self.  1. ...

5 People You Will Find In Every College Library

On the lead up to assignments and exams, the library is often filled with strange creatures from all walks of life. Here are 5 people you can easily spot in your college library.  1. The Sleeper T...

Simple Ways To Boost Your Energy

As part of our FREE Goodie Bag campaign, we are giving out Protein Nature Valley Bars! We have all been through an energy slump - it's the worst! Especially when you need to get an assignment done or a very ...

Your Must-Have College Essentials with CompuB

CompuB is Ireland's ONLY premium Apple seller.  Juku Metro Bag Only: €79 or Free with any MacBook , CompuB Find it hard carrying your bag around all day? This stylish laptop backpack with external USB por...

What To Do With Your Life After College

So, you’ve finally finished university. Congratulations. How long have you been there? 3 years? 4 years? Maybe 5 or 6 if you’ve just finished a post-grad. So, what do you if you find yourself in this sit...

People Share Their Embarrassing Drunk Stories

We've all had our fair share of awful drunken mishaps. Here are a few anonymous confessions of people being dipshits while drunk. Enjoy! 1. Twin? "Does getting annoyed at somebody attempting to walk into ...

5 Struggles every Tinder user has experienced sponsored by Nine Monks The BIG competition is here! Get a chance to win all this cool stuff in a Nine Monks Hamper.  Follow @ninemonks on Instagram to enter the competition! #JOINTHEORDER ...

The Advantages of Having a Basic Mobile Phone

In this crazy technology filled world of ours, it’s easy to forget to take a minute to stop and appreciate the little things in life. Basic mobile phones, or “dumb” phones (because the opposite of smart is dumb...

Jervis Shopping Centre Student Night Is Back! sponsored by Nine Monks The BIG competition is here! Get a chance to win all this cool stuff in a Nine Monks Hamper.  Follow @ninemonks on Instagram to enter the competition! #JOINTHEORDER  ...