College Living

The secret to surviving September.

It’s fair to say that if the phrase “September is the new January,” hadn’t existed I would have had to invent her. Seriously! September provides one of the essential chances to start over. Look at the back to...

A Guide For International Students Coming to Ireland

If you’re an international student heading to Ireland to study, there are some things that you’ll need to know. Heading to Ireland to study is undoubtedly a big decision and one that will shape your future. ...

The Best Hangover cures after a heavy night

We all know the feeling of waking up on a Sunday morning and feeling absolutely dreadful. Or worse, waking up on a Monday morning, feeling absolutely dreadful and having to go to work. Don't worry though, we'r...

How to Live Your Best Life

Living your best life, hot girl summer, whatever you want to call it, the summertime is the time to relax, rejuvenate and feel good about yourself. And while you may be balancing part-time jobs and a social li...

Spirits vs Lager: The Great Debate

It's Friday night and you're in the pub. You're about to make the biggest decision of your life. This vital decision will dictate how your night, and quite possibly your life goes. Do you make the safe choice ...

The best places for a pint in Dublin.

The weekend is nearly upon us and that means one thing: Pints, pints and more pints. Finding a good place to get some of that sweet nectar can be difficult in this day and age. All lot of the time, you feel it...

How to avoid a college related breakdown

Its that time of year again. The stress is starting to build up as those essay deadlines creep up and we start planning changing our identity and moving to New Zealand. I'm here to tell you all to calm down an...