Campus News

It Follows – Review

We’ve all had that conversation with our friends about that hot girl when we were teenagers. “Would you still shag here if it meant being haunted by murderous spirits until you pass it on to the next person tha...

A Guide to Flashpacking

Eoin Blackbyrne has done his fair share of travelling, or Flashpacking if you'll excuse the term... “Flashpacker” is a term that can be found in guidebooks, travel websites and on the lips of every sanctimon...

College Melting Pot – Folie A Deux

Following on from last weeks article, Emma Wright is back to conclude on the strange stir-ups in the college melting pot. The Mature Student In they come, with their glasses on and books in hand, marching...

Shave or Dye OR OH MY!!!

Every year Griffith College has held an event in aid of the Irish Cancer Society via Today FM's Shave or Dye campaign. With comedians such as Marcus O' Laoire, Michael Mee and Chris Kent (no, us neither. But...

Moxegen 2015!

GMIT brings back Moxegen this year with a stellar lineup, including Mundy, Keywest, Smash Hits, Vann West, XY Constant. Tickets are on sale now for the event of the 26th February. With an officially unli...

Trinity Students hypnotised into giving Lap Dances

Trinity College students were given some work experience at a class rep training weekend earlier in the year by being hpynotized into giving lap dances. The claims involve a hypnotist who was hired by the Tr...

Journalism conference at UCC

All you budding scribes out there, listen up... The UCC Journalism and Media Society are delighted to announce that they will host the 7th annual UCC Journalism Conference in Devere Hall, UCC on Thursday the...

Bishopstown Bar acting the knacker again

The Bishopstown Bar in Cork has courted controversy once again by offering the Leaving Cert students in its area an opportunity to ‘study’ in it’s premises. “The B-town” as it’s known to locals has attempted...

Help Mary Gorman

In 2012 Mary Gorman was diagnosed with Paroxysmal Nocturnal Haemoglobinuria (PNH). It’s an ultra-rare and life threatening blood disorder which, without treatment, can have a life expectancy of less than 5 -10 ...