Campus News

The Torrent – By Mad Artist

Another fine piece of work from the guys at Mad Artist Media exclusively for today. We'll just let this one speak for itself... Subscribe to Mad Artists YouTube channel here:

Watch: Irish Psycho

If you've seen (or read) American Psycho, you're going to love this sketch. Written by one of our contributors, Tadhg Collins this flawlessly takes off the business card scene from the movie. Take a look... ...

Get Your Mooju Back!

Mooju is on a promotional tour around the country! Please go to our Facebook site at and tell us why Mooju should come to your campus. Get your Mooju back! ...

UCC stage a studying protest in Boole Library

The UCC student body have been staging sit-ins in the Boole library to protest the inadequate opening hours in the days leading up to exams. UCC switched to a semester-based system which sees exams split bet...

Calling all Career Seekers…

Skillda Careers, based in the Guinness Enterprise Centre, are holding a free careers conference on 9th December from 6-8pm. The event is on in the Mont Clare Hotel in Dublin, and will have speakers from orga...

UCC Students win Smarter Planet Challenge again

A group of students from UCC have created a 'smart beehive' for the Smarter Planet Challenge, to track exactly what is happening inside the bee hives in an attempt to halt their worrying decline. The monitor...

Teachers Strike Again

The news of another imminent teachers strike filtered through yesterday, with 27,000 secondary level teachers now set to doss off next week in protest of the new Junior Cycle set to be put in place by the Depar...

The perfect New Years party

Tickets for Mix Tape in Vicar Street go on sale today, one of the most original and unpredictable shows your going to find this New Years Eve. Turning Pirate have been putting on shows all over the country s...

Time to get tough with SUSI

Dublin South West TD Seán Crowe has called on the Minister for Education Jan O’Sullivan to use her position and intervene directly with SUSI to fast track payments due to thousands of students waiting for their...