By Vittoria Vignolo

Whether you are going back to college, or you are beginning a new experience, don’t be scared!

The start of a new journey can be frightening at first.

Today I will give you some movie titles that can help you with some advice, and that will provide you with a positive feeling as you embark on your new adventure.

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  • Ferris Bueller’s Day Off (1986) : This comedy is a great to see with your friends, and it teaches a lot about friendship and youth. Ferris Bueller (Matthew Broderick) is a popular guy at his school who is infamous for skipping classes. Before graduation, he decides to “call in sick” for another day and go on a one day journey with his friend and girlfriend. However, he is being monitored by the school’s principal, who feels his illness is fake and is willing to do whatever it takes to uncover him. This movie is full of suspense and comedy, making it a favourite for many people, mostly for the fact that it is really easy to watch and because it reminds them of youthfulness and the joys of old days.
  • Clueless (1995): It talks about the story of Cher (Alicia Silverstone), a girl who’s experiencing her highschool experience, and is very popular amongst her peers. Despite being a little arrogant and misbehaved, Cher undergoes significant personal growth, learning important lessons about kindness and relationships, which will lead to a transformation of her character at the end of the story. The movie is based on the Jane Austen’s novel Emma, and is now well known worldwide, especially for the iconic sense of fashion of Cher and her friends. Overall, this film will bring you the sense of nostalgia of the highschool years and particularly its social hierarchy.
  • Breakfast Club (1985) : The movie tells the story of five students who find themselves stuck in their high school’s detention room for several hours. As punishment for their misbehaviour, they are required to write an essay. However, when they decide to disobey the rules, their punishment intensifies, resulting in having to spend more time in detention. This movie is particularly great because it develops as the characters decide to get to know each other and open up slowly. Despite them being very different from each other, they establish a very strong bond and reveal their insecurities and past stories. I find it really interesting and educational (except the detention part!) how they all have their backs when they are caught, despite being strangers and therefore install a great friendship.
  • College (2008) : After being dumped by his girlfriend, Kevin decides to prove he’s not boring by attending a college freshman party. At the party, he lives the so-called “freshman experience” and ends up in trouble, including a fight with a boy from a fraternity house. This comedy comically stereotypes the college experience and its witty tone makes it an easy and enjoyable film to watch.

All these films are perfect for getting ready for a new adventure and for helping you relax! Watching them with the right people and attitude will make the experience even more enjoyable. I wish you all the best and hope you enjoy these wonderful stories!

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