My favourite (fashion) sustainable apps

We’ve all shopped on Asos, Wish, or AliExpress at least once in our lives… but let’s be honest, these apps are the epitome of what is wrong with fast fashion. You’ve probably heard of it before, fast fashion a...

5 Books to Read in your 20s

For those of you who dreaded English at school and stayed as far away from it when they arrived in college, but realised during lockdown that reading was actually fun - or for those who spend hundreds of hours...

Has Covid-19 Killed Hook-up Culture?

Last May, Jordan Suaste released a song called ‘Hookup Culture’, lyricising the beginning of a relationship involving someone who doesn’t want to be part of what he calls ‘hookup culture’ because he is, I quot...

Soul: Review

I first watched Soul with a friend and his first reaction was: “how can children actually understand that?” I assume it would be hard for a kid to make sense of a man going from alive to dead to being a cat to...

The Best Free Yoga Instructors for Students

These past few months have been a stressful time for students - between keeping up with college, trying to maintain some semblance of social life (within two meters of each other), and staying healthy with the...