All across Ireland, students have started mock exams for the Junior and Leaving Cert. And while the exams can be stressful, they are a test run for the real exams. Studying is hard but there are worse things in life to worry about. Here are 5 things that are worse than the mock exams.
1. Toast falling butter side down
You just woke up and your breakfast is already against you. Back to bed so.
2. Losing your keys
You swear you left them in your bag but now they have gone missing. And the bus is due in 5 minutes.
3. No internet.
The light is on, the box is plugged in but yet, the internet is refusing to work.
4. When you accidentally like an exes Instagram post.
You might as well delete all your social media, change your name and move to another country.
5. ‘Cash Only’
Going somewhere like a festival and its cash only with no atms in site. What is this the dark ages?!
So you see, there are worse things in the world than the mock exams. Don’t worry or stress over them. You’ll be grand.